5 July 2024

65 days. A successful bet for setting up the Corporal Alain Mimoun camp by the Economat des Armées

The stakes were high: to build a military camp in Paris to house nearly 5,000 soldiers mobilised to secure the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The chosen place is the Reuilly lawn, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, which is used to hosting circuses and the famous Foire du Trône.The inventory was carried out on […]
25 June 2024

Inauguration of the “Cabane Bambou” in Djibouti

The Director General of the EdA went to Djibouti for an event that is not very common in the life of the Economat des Armées : the inauguration of a leisure facility located in the 5th RIAOM district, in Djibouti, and entirely payed by the establishment. An exemplary project that was the subject of very […]
28 May 2024

In Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the Olympic structure is standing

This new camp is intended to accomodate 1,250 soldiers this summer during their mobilization in Ile-de-France to secure the Olympic Games. this is the second largest camp set up by the EdA within the framework of the Olympic Games, after the emblematic Caporal Alain Mimoun camp on the Bois de Vincennes. It is composed of […]
21 May 2024

The Economat des Armées in Côte d’Ivoire at a crossroads

The Director General, CRG1 Pourqué, visited the EdA mission in Abidjan.A mission in full evolution that has just reached a milestone with the delivery of a logistics platform that constitutes both the largest investment of the Armed Forces Commissary outside France and a leap in capacity: this milestone was celebrated with a sober inauguration. A […]
17 May 2024

An EdA project set up at a pace worthy of the athlete whose name it bears

The Corporal Alain Mimoun camp, whose construction began two weeks ago, is taking shape at an accelerated speed. 40% of the building frameworks have already been assembled and the configuration of the site is now clearly visible, with the locations for accommodation and for the multitude of associated services on this XXL camp of 30,000 […]
6 May 2024

Reception of the CEMA and the chiefs of staff of each of the armed forces at the EdA

The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, the French Navy and the Air and Space Force held a meeting dedicated to the participation of the armed forces in the Paris Olympic Games at the headquarters of the EdA on Friday 3 May. It was an opportunity […]
29 April 2024

Start for the construction of the biggest temporary military camp built in France for 80 yearsStart for the construction of the biggest

This is unheard of since the 2nd World War : the Economat des Armées has just started the construction of a giant military camp on the Reuilly lawn in the south-east of Paris, the camp of Corporal Alain Mimoun, named after the most successful French athlete who was also a soldier. A construction that covers […]
24 January 2024

Meeting between 2 General Managers of the Économat des Armées

The reform of the Chadian army has resulted in the creation of several institutions to improve the living conditions of military personnel. These include the Chadian Économat des Armées, which was established by law on 19 May 2022. While the Chadian Commissariat has a broad remit – including the supply of clothing – and is […]
24 January 2024

The last EdA collaborators have returned from Niger!

The last fifteen EdA employees on a support mission at the Niamey military camp landed in France on 8 November 2023. Their return marks the exemplary end of their mission. They had all reached the end of their contracts with EdA at the beginning of September. Like their military comrades, they had been confined to […]
24 January 2024

The Économat des Armées involved in the water crisis in Mayotte

The Économat des Armées has been asked by Prime Minister Elizabeth BORNE to make a massive contribution to the management of the water resources crisis affecting the department of Mayotte. On 12 October, the EdA was asked to deliver 7 million litres of mineral water to Mayotte as part of a service managed and financed […]